Online Interview Tips

 Online Interview Tips

Most of the interviews are happening online. Graduating students should prepare themselves to face the interviews. The following are a few tips that are useful to note before you attend an online interview.

Keep your Devices Intact

Candidates attending Interviews should remember that conversation will become ineffective if your devices like camera quality, audio and internet are not supportive / not functioning well. Choose your gadgets like laptop / PC, Webcam, headphones, microphones and internet connection carefully. Check once before the interview whether all the gadgets are working properly. Keep the necessary document in a folder, be prepared in case you are asked to share it online.

Preparation is the Key Factor

The preparation efforts for an online interview should be as equal as for the physical interview. In other words, don’t take the online interviews easily. Prepare and rehearse the answers for the Frequently Asked Questions. Record your answers in a journal, read out loud, rehearse and record and check the quality of your answers and delivery.


Being punctual has a lot of advantages. You can ensure the connectivity and other related aspects. It’s courteous to login and present approximately 10 minutes early, even if you are asked to be in the ‘waiting room’.


Prepare yourself to sit in a calm environment that is free from any kind of noise. Webcam microphones are very sensitive; it may attract even mild noise. Therefore a clam surrounding / noise free room is essential to make the interview process effective. Avoid all kinds of distraction from the members of the family, friends, kids, etc.

Keep a Professional background

Sit in a place where your background looks professional. Add a professional image from your computer to avoid a bad impression.


Formal attire is still important. Avoid wearing t-shirts, or any informal unattractive / unprofessional attire.

Speak Clearly & Listen Carefully

Because of the failure of the internet, signal issues, gadget issues you may not be able to hear clearly. Listen carefully and talk slowly to avoid these problems. Ensure your voice is properly heard. Request to repeat instead of assuming and giving a wrong answer.


Dayananda Sagar Business School - PGDM



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