
Showing posts from August 4, 2022


  MARKETING USING INFOGRAPHICS Marketing is the art of communicating to persuade customers to get more information to take decisions. Lengthy text messages are outdated. In the busy schedules, customers are not interest to invest time in reading texts and know about the products. Short messages, pictorial formats, statistics in charts are used to convey the highlights of the company, products and brands. Infographics is a format that carries messages in effective way to get the attention of the customers. What is infographics? Infographic is a pictorial tool used to engage the audience. Infographic uses minimum text and communicates through relevant, attractive, easily understandable images viz. pie charts, bar charts, icons, etc. complex information can be converted into a graphic visual representation. Stories can be told in a simple form using Infographics. The image given below is an example of sales of a familiar scooter brand in India. Why Infographics are Important...