Personal Branding for Job Interviews

 Personal Branding for Job Interviews

Today's online environment demands a strong personal brand. Personal branding should be developed and expanded throughout your time in college. A Harvard study revealed that 80% of the employees are fired for lacking soft skills and 20% are fired for lacking technical skills. This confirms the significance of soft skills. Your Personal Brand is built based on your soft skills. Clean up your online profiles and build a new, professional, unique attractive profile. 70% of human resource professionals have rejected candidates based on information found online. 
Personal Branding should be done in three scenarios
1.     Your unique presence on Papers/ Documents
2.     Your online presence on social media
3.     Your physical presence

  • Documents like CV /Resumes, cover letters, and email conversations with potential employers speak about your brand. Create a flawless document to create a stand personal brand.
  • Make your online presence professional, especially when you are looking for a great career. Rework your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profile and make it highly professional. Blog on your ‘areas of interest’ at regular intervals.
  • Last but not least, make your brand unique when you are meeting someone in person. Learn to brief yourself uniquely, briefly and comprehensively, and effectively in thirty seconds. In other words, prepare an effective elevator pitch, and show your passion in simple but attractive expressions to the other person.

Other posts on personal branding will follow.

Dayananda Sagar Business School


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