Building Positive Personality

 Building Positive Personality

Determine to have a POSITIVE Personality to get POSITIVE results. The following are the recommendations to build a Positive Personality.

1)    1) Always do a POSITIVE self-talk

§  I am Good

§  I am progressing

§  I like myself

§  I can do it

§  I will have a bright future

§  I can handle challenges

§  Failure are not failures, they are lessons

2)    POSITIVE habits

§  Eat healthy

§  Exercise

§  Perceive others POSITIVELY

§  Maintain good sleep

3)    Feed POSITIVE information

§  Read motivating book

§  Listen to POSITIVE talk – audio books

§  Listen to uplifting talks

4)    POSITIVE people

§  Surround yourself with POSITIVE people

§  Take guidance

§  Talk to people who don’t put you down

5)    POSITIVE visualization

§  Have a positive mental picture

§  Visualize that you have already achieved your goals


I tried all possible things

I don’t need help

It is impossible

Easier said than done

I am not going to …



Dayananda Sagar Business School


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