Listening Skills 

Listen to Understand, not to Respond - Steven Covey

Listening is the ability to receive, interpret and understand messages. Active listening is an important section of the process of communication. Active listeners pay attention to the communicator and what they are intended to say. Active listening involves the ability to concentrate and ignore distractions. The distractions in the process of active listening include checking messages on the gadgets, daydreaming, personal worries, judging the person, etc. listening as well as communicating become successful when both the parties concentrate on central ideas/ main focus rather than judging each other. Nodding the head, having good eye contact, and questioning ensure good listening and encourage the speaker.

Active listeners have the following habits / Skills

§   Pay more attention

§   Don’t judge

§   Clarify (Ask relevant questions)

§   Paraphrase

§   Understand the purpose of communication

§  Show interest / encourage telling more

Habits of Poor Listeners

§  Interrupt in between

§  Selective / partial listening

§  Focus on errors, not on significant points

§  Judging the person

§  Poor body language / no eye contact

How not to listen (Vedantic Perspective)

§  Don’t listen like an upside-down pot (mindful listening)

§  Don’t listen like a leaking pot (Listen attentively – don’t miss any points)

§  Don’t listen like a dirty pot (get mixed with dirty water) – listening with preoccupied / wrong opinions



Dayananda Sagar Business School (DSBS)


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