September Newsletter PRAANGAN
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NEWSLETTER PRAANGAN, July 2022, Volume-1, Issue -2. DSBS is happy to release its monthly Newsletter PRAANGAN, Volume-1, Issue -2, which captures the various activities at DSBS and provides a glimpse of the accomplishments and activities at DSBS for the benefit of the stakeholders and academic community.
Case Method - Learners' Role
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This post is on Learners' role in preparing for Case-based classes. The case study method of learning enables MBA Students to collaborate with peers and learn. The case method is a dynamic engaging discussion led by students. It is a participant-centered active learning technique that enables students to Interpret and analyze the situation Consider & evaluate the alternatives Decide on a plan of action Persuade peer learners about their point of view Students learn through discussions, debate, and deliberation, and the learning through this method last in the future also. In other words, they learn concepts in a context to retain them longer. The case method classroom brings a laboratory environment for teachers as well as learners. Students develop the following skills through case method learning. Learners develop the following skills through case method learning. Communication Skills Active listening Decision making Analyti...
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MARKETING USING INFOGRAPHICS Marketing is the art of communicating to persuade customers to get more information to take decisions. Lengthy text messages are outdated. In the busy schedules, customers are not interest to invest time in reading texts and know about the products. Short messages, pictorial formats, statistics in charts are used to convey the highlights of the company, products and brands. Infographics is a format that carries messages in effective way to get the attention of the customers. What is infographics? Infographic is a pictorial tool used to engage the audience. Infographic uses minimum text and communicates through relevant, attractive, easily understandable images viz. pie charts, bar charts, icons, etc. complex information can be converted into a graphic visual representation. Stories can be told in a simple form using Infographics. The image given below is an example of sales of a familiar scooter brand in India. Why Infographics are Important...
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MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN PRE-PURCHASE & POST-PURCHASE STAGES Marketing communication strategies encourage/enable customers to make purchase decisions. The foremost task of any marketing strategy is to create awareness. Information on products, brands, availability of products & offers create awareness as well as interest. Various options are communicated to customers to influence their preferences towards the products. Selling products in the competitive field is a herculean task. Communicating the clutter is an added challenge. Effective communication makes all the difference. It is said that marketing is all about communication and offering solutions in the form of products. This short article discusses the communication strategies applied before and after purchase. Diverting customers’ attention toward products & services is the essence of marketing communications. -Dr.S.SaiGanesh Dayananda Sagar Business School
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Listening Skills Listen to Understand, not to Respond - Steven Covey Listening is the ability to receive, interpret and understand messages. Active listening is an important section of the process of communication. Active listeners pay attention to the communicator and what they are intended to say. Active listening involves the ability to concentrate and ignore distractions. The distractions in the process of active listening include checking messages on the gadgets, daydreaming, personal worries, judging the person, etc. listening as well as communicating become successful when both the parties concentrate on central ideas/ main focus rather than judging each other. Nodding the head, having good eye contact, and questioning ensure good listening and encourage the speaker. Active listeners have the following habits / Skills § Pay more attention § Don’t judge § Clarify (Ask relevant questions) § Paraphras...
Mr. Anand Prakash, Co-founder of “Calibr” Visit to Dayananda Sagar Business School (DSBS).
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Mr.Anand Prakash, IIT Kanpur,IIM Ahmedabad Alumnus, Co-founder of “Calibr” visited DSBS with his team member Dr. Aditi Swaroop on 28 th July 2022, to discuss the feasibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with DSBS. Calibr provides digital library services for Corporate and Educational institutions. Mr. Anand Prakash made a presentation on the features and usefulness of a unique learning experience. This platform provides access to text books, Audio books, and Journals from reputed publishers to accelerate academic learning, research and multidiscipline learning through their portal and app. The unique feature of this digital library is that it comes with video links wherever the student requires a better explanation of concepts. Calibr provides study material, textbooks, videos, etc., as per the requirements of the faculty and students to meet the minimum curriculum requirements.
Spiritual Intelligence
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Why Spiritual Intelligence is Important? Intelligence plus Character is the Goal of True Education - Martin Luther King, Jr. Western countries have started deliberating about spiritual intelligence. Many research studies have confirmed the positive impact of spiritual intelligence on education. Spiritual intelligence (SQ) is asking/seeking the ultimate meaning of life and the relationship between us (individuals) and the world. Spiritual Intelligence illuminates the mind and provides clarity to individuals. Although spirituality consciousness exists in almost all religions, Hinduism stresses the importance of spirituality from childhood. Spirituality-based guidance makes a person emotionally balanced and intelligent. SQ enables us to stay in the present and guides Rational Intelligence (IQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Self-awareness, self-control, self-discipline, self-esteem, and self-empowerment are the soft skills closely associated and developed with the help of Spiri...
Personal Branding for Job Interviews
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Personal Branding for Job Interviews Today's online environment demands a strong personal brand. Personal branding should be developed and expanded throughout your time in college. A Harvard study revealed that 80% of the employees are fired for lacking soft skills and 20% are fired for lacking technical skills. This confirms the significance of soft skills. Your Personal Brand is built based on your soft skills. Clean up your online profiles and build a new, professional, unique attractive profile. 70% of human resource professionals have rejected candidates based on information found online. Personal Branding should be done in three scenarios 1. Your unique presence on Papers/ Documents 2. Your online presence on social media 3. Your physical presence Documents like CV /Resumes, cover letters, and email conversations with potential employers speak about your brand. Create a flawless document to create a stand person...
Building Positive Personality
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Building Positive Personality Determine to have a POSITIVE Personality to get POSITIVE results. The following are the recommendations to build a Positive Personality. 1) 1) Always do a POSITIVE self-talk § I am Good § I am progressing § I like myself § I can do it § I will have a bright future § I can handle challenges § Failure are not failures, they are lessons 2) POSITIVE habits § Eat healthy § Exercise § Perceive others POSITIVELY § Maintain good sleep 3) Feed POSITIVE information § Read motivating book § Listen to POSITIVE talk – audio books § Listen to uplifting talks 4) POSITIVE people § Surround yourself with POSITIVE people § Take guidance § Talk to people who don’t put you down 5) POSITIVE visualization § ...